While keeping the pressure high we cool it down to the temperature of the lab. 18 Is it OK to put dry ice in the freezer. Pictures From An Organic Chemistry Laboratory Organic Chemistry Chemistry Liquid Nitrogen I assume though that you mean things on the Earth. . Nitrogen on Earth is usually a gas but its possible to condense it. 13 Whats the coldest water can get. 20 How cold is a black hole. 13 What is the coldest chemical on Earth. There actually is an entire branch of science called cryogenics that deals with really cold things. Yes there are things colder than liquid nitrogen like most of the Universe. The coldest place on Earth is the Antarctic Plateau with temperatures as low as. Liquid nitrogen is used in many applications such as a refrigerant cryotherapy for medical applications in fire prevention systems and of course in cryogenics. At three hundred and twenty-one degrees below zero liquid nitr...